Lebanon Valley College® in Annville, Pa., welcomes 1,608 undergraduate students who can choose from 40 undergraduate majors, as well as graduate degree programs in athletic training, business administration, music education, physical therapy, science education, and speech-language pathology. Learn more at www.lvc.edu.
Lebanon Valley College® in Annville, Pa., welcomes 1,608 undergraduate students who can choose from 40 undergraduate majors, as well as graduate degree programs in athletic training, business administration, music education, physical therapy, science education, and speech-language pathology. Learn more at www.lvc.edu.
Lebanon Valley College Recognizes Interfaith Certification Recipients
Six Lebanon Valley College students completed the Interfaith Certification program during 2014. The program encourages student exploration of the faiths of others in light of the student's own religious identity both in and beyond the classroom.

Academic Award -
2015 Jan 6
Lebanon Valley College Students Present Psychology Research
Fifty Lebanon Valley College students recently presented their research at LVC's Fall 2014 Psychology Poster Session. Students gathered to share their experiences in Statistics & Data Analysis Lab, Research Methods Lab, Child Development Lab, and Independent Lab Research.

Academic Award -
2014 Dec 5

LVC Recognizes Student Participation in ACM Regional Computer Programming Competition
Nine Lebanon Valley College students recently participated in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Computer Programming Contest. The contest is a part of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Computer Programming Competition.

Academic Award -
2014 Nov 6
Lebanon Valley College Students Participate in "Disappearing Boundaries" Summer Research Meeting
Twenty-one Lebanon Valley College science majors participated in the "Disappearing Boundaries" Summer Research Meeting at Elizabethtown College on July 17, 2014. Founded by LVC professor Dr. Wally Patton, the meeting is specifically designed for researchers in the region to come together to share their science.

Academic Award -
2014 Sep 12

Heather LaSalle Facilitates Social Justice Discussion at PA-NAME Conference
Lebanon Valley College junior Heather LaSalle facilitated a social justice conversation at the 16th Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education (PA-NAME) at Temple University on April 12.

Academic Award -
2014 May 7
Lebanon Valley College Recognizes Inquiry 2014 Participants
Inquiry 2014 coincided with the Council for Undergraduate Research's week-long celebration of student research and achievement. Lebanon Valley College celebrated the scholarly, scientific, and creative achievements of the student body in a variety of academic activities, including a public research symposium April 10 in the LVC gymnasium.

Academic Award -
2014 Apr 23
LVC Mathematicians Conduct Number Theory Research through Arnold Experiential Grant Program
A trio of Lebanon Valley College mathematicians spent the early part of their summer poring over data, applying their knowledge of number theory while trying to find number patterns that weren't known to exist before. Isaac (Shen) Lu '15, Christina Doran '15, and Dr. Barry Smith, assistant professor of mathematics, are hoping that the patterns they proved to exist might one day apply to a future science.

Academic Award -
2013 Sep 30
Lebanon Valley College Recognizes Spring Academic Award Recipients
As part of its Inquiry 2014 activities, Lebanon Valley College recognized students at the Spring Awards and Recognition Ceremony on April 10 for academic achievement in the natural sciences, social sciences, or humanities.

Academic Award -
2014 Apr 30

Elizabeth Cieniewicz '14 Spends Summer Researching Algal Blooms
Many Lebanon Valley College students conducted research in the Neidig-Garber Science Center this summer, but Elizabeth Cieniewicz '14 spent her summer at the beach. The senior biology student researched algal blooms in the University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Academic Award -
2013 Sep 30

Science Majors and Chemistry Professor Travel to Budapest for Research Project
Dr. Timothy Peelen, associate professor of chemistry, spent 12 months on sabbatical teaching and researching in the organic chemistry field in Budapest, Hungary at Etovos Lorand University (ELTE). Assisting him with research at ELTE this summer were Lebanon Valley students Tai Nguyen '14 and Rachel Denny '14.

Academic Award -
2013 Sep 27
Cassondra Diaz '14 Exploring the World through Song
Dr. Rebecca Lister, associate professor of music, and Cassondra "Cassie" Diaz '14, music education and vocal performance double major, spent nearly three weeks last summer in Asunci?n, Paraguay, with support from an Arnold Grant for Experiential Learning. The trip was an opportunity for Diaz to take advantage of an opportunity for intensive instruction in vocal pedagogy while experiencing another culture.

Academic Award -
2013 Sep 27
Local Students Honored at LVC's Spring Awards and Recognition Ceremony
Local students were honored at Lebanon Valley College's annual Spring Awards and Recognition Ceremony on April 18. The ceremony was part of Inquiry 2013, a weeklong celebration of the scholarly, scientific, and creative achievements of the student body.

Academic Award -
2013 Apr 19
Local Students Recognized for Campus Impact at Lebanon Valley College
Lebanon Valley College has recognized 185 of its first-semester freshmen and transfer students for making an impact on the campus as a new student. The Celebration of Student Success reception, held Feb. 21 in the Lehr Dining Room of the Mund College Center, honored the students' achievement.
The honorees were nominated by faculty and administrators for standing out in the classroom, in their work with classmates, as student leaders, in on-campus employment, or in extracurricular activities such as athletics, performance, or volunteerism.
The following students were recognized:

Academic Award -
2013 Apr 17

Lebanon Valley College Names Local Students Award Winners
Lebanon Valley College hosted the Sixth Annual Student Affairs Leadership and Service Awards Ceremony on Thursday, May 3, where more than 100 students were recognized for their efforts in the past academic year.
Local winners include:

Academic Award -
2012 May 9

Local Students Honored at LVC's Spring Awards and Recognition Ceremony
Local students were honored at Lebanon Valley College's annual Spring Awards and Recognition Ceremony on April 19. The ceremony was part of Inquiry 2012, a weeklong celebration of the academic, dramatic, athletic, musical, and experiential achievements of the student body.

Academic Award -
2012 May 1

Local Students Recognized for Campus Impact at Lebanon Valley College
Lebanon Valley College has recognized 186 of its first-semester freshman and transfer students for making an impact on the campus as a new student. The Celebration of Student Success reception, held Feb. 7 in the Neidig-Garber Science Center atrium, honored the students' achievement.
The honorees were nominated by faculty and administrators for standing out in the classroom, in their work with classmates, as student leaders, in on-campus employment, or in extracurricular activities such as athletics, performance, and volunteerism.
The following students were recognized:

Academic Award -
2012 Feb 9
New Students at Lebanon Valley College Honored as 'Emerging Leaders'
Students at Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa., were honored at a ceremony in February to celebrate their success as emerging leaders. They with presented with the gift of a zippered pad folio that read on the cover, "LVC, Making a Difference," along with a formal "certificate of recognition." The honored students mingled with faculty and staff at a reception with food and flowers in the atrium of LVC's Neidig-Garber Science Center. The local students are:

Academic Award -
2010 Feb 19